The summary below is taken from a variety of books on chakras.  The information below is for personal research and understanding of your own chakra system.  Please see recommended reading list.
Sanskrit Name: Manipura
English Name: Solar Plexus Chakra
Approximate Position to Spine: 10th – 12th Thoracic – Coeliac / Solar Plexus
Location in Body: Solar plexus (between navel and base of sternum)
Endocrine Gland: Pancreas and Adrenals
Associated Anatomy: Intestine, Stomach, Liver, Pancreas & Muscles
Anatomical Systems: Digestive system and muscles
Seed Sound Tantra: RAM
Vowel Sound for Toning: OH
Solfeggio Frequency Sound: 432 Hz / 444 Hz
Music: String Instruments / Violin / Guitar / Base / Baroque Classical Music
Colour: Yellow
Yoga Path: Karma Yoga
Movement – Yoga Exercises: Boat Pose
  Bow Pose
  Bridge Pose
  Cobra Pose
  Making the Sun Pose
  Plank Pose
  Reverse Plank Pose
  Revolved Triangle Pose
  Salute to the Sun Sequence
  Warrior Pose
Brain Gym Exercise for Solar Plexus Chakra: Belly Breathing / The Rocker / Balance Buttons