The summary below is taken from a variety of books on chakras.  The information below is for personal research and understanding of your own chakra system.  Please see recommended reading list.
Sanskrit Name: Anahata (Sound that is made without two things striking)
English Name: Heart Chakra
Approximate Position to Spine: 4th and 5th Thoracic (Cardiac Plexus)
Location in Body: Heart
Endocrine Gland: The Thymus Gland
Associated Anatomy: Chest – Heart, Lungs.
Anatomical Systems: Circulatory System
Movement – Yoga Exercises: Bow Pose
  Bridge Pose
  Camel Pose
  Cobra Pose
  Cow Pose
  Fish Pose
  Upward facing Dog Pose
Brain Gym Exercise for Heart Chakra: Belly Breathing  / Lazy Eights / Hook Ups
Seed Sound Tantra: YAM
Vowel Sound for Toning: AH
Solfeggio Frequency Sound: 528 Hz
Music: Wind Instruments / Saxaphone / Trombone / Bugle / Ambient New Age Music
Colour: Green
Yoga Path: Bhakti Yoga (Devotional Yoga)