The summary below is taken from a variety of books on chakras. The information below is for personal research and understanding of your own chakra system. Please see recommended reading list. | |
Sanskrit Name: | Ajna (To command, to know, to perceive) |
English Name: | Brow Chakra |
Approximate Position to Spine: | Carotid / Cervical Plexus |
Location in Body: | Between the Eyes |
Endocrine Gland: | Pituitary Gland |
Associated Anatomy: | Eyes and Base of skull |
Anatomical Systems: | Seeing / Insight |

Movement – Yoga Exercises: | Candle Gazing (Trataka) |
Child’s Pose | |
Corpse Pose | |
Dolphin Pose | |
Downward Facing Dog | |
Eagle Pose | |
Head to Knee Pose (seated) | |
Humble Warrior Pose | |
Locust Pose | |
Reclined Twist | |
Wheel Pose | |
Wide Legged Forward Pose | |
Brain Gym Exercise for Brow Chakra: | Lazy 8’s / The Energizer / Thinking Caps |

Seed Sound Tantra: | OM |
Vowel Sound for Toning: | AYE |
Solfeggio Frequency Sound: | 741 Hz |
Music: | Wind Instruments / Organ Music / Choirs Singing |
Colour: | Indigo Blue |
Yoga Path: | Yantra Yoga (Meditating on visual objects) |