Journey Through the Chakras
The online portal supporting healers to align and shine personally and professionally as Spirit Keepers

Welcome Video Message
“Journey Through The Chakras is about opening ‘your life book’ and reading what you have written about your life story – the successes and challenges on the road to wholeness. By exploring your personal and professional brand energy and imbalances, enables you the healer, sage and metaphysician, to transform your story from the level of consciousness it was created to one that touches, moves and inspires others to heal. The Chakra Alignment Method is a journey from stagnation to transformation, from hopelessness to helpfulness, from ignorance to wisdom. It is about aligning, thriving and shining personally and professionally. You will also be joining a worldwide community of centred, grounded, present and aligned healers committed to the healing journey. Catalysts and conduits for grounding higher levels of consciousness to provide solutions for the challenges facing humanity and Mother Earth.”
Hello fellow Soul Traveller & Spirit Keeper
Uplifting Guidance, Care & Transformation for You and Your Clients
As a healer you have a deep inner desire to assist those in discomfort and at dis-ease. However, the time of the wounded healer is now drawing to a close. The coming era of healing is all about healers being in alignment, centred, grounded and consciously embodied as an individual. Now is the emerging time of the Spirit Keeper.
The sages of by-gone eras left life-style training programmes on how to lead-your-ship as an enlightened individual. Their combined teachings and trainings state: Physician-Patient Know, Love, Heal and Free Yourself
Travel and navigate the unpredictable challenges of life as a healer, sage and transformative conduit with the help of a spiritual empowerment guide and coach. Enjoy the fruits of aligning and shining personally and professionally. Improve your voltage and not just your vibration.

Create Your Legacy of Healing
Lead-Your-Ship for Enlightened Leadership
I have the belief many of us have come here to lead the way in the return to wholeness. To heal ourselves and make the world better place for current and future times. You don’t need a position of front-line leadership to do that. Offering to lead-your-ship means you become the change you wish to see in the world and lead by radiating your highest truth. A beacon of love and light. By embodying your Soul consciously you gain peace of mind, feel restored and uplifted personally and professionally.
Journeying through the Chakras with the Chakra Alignment Method and the Mystical Hour of Inner Power is designed to release limitations and obstacles in every facet of your life as a healing practitioner and soul traveller. A comprehensive multi-sensory healing journey and life-style program embracing the four pillars of wisdom. Know, Love, Heal and Free Yourself.
How Can I Help You …
Open for Business : Bridging the Gap Between Personal & Professional Chakras
Coaching & Healing includes:
- Secure Communications & Confidentiality Assured.
- Bespoke one to one spiritual coaching sessions.
- Tailored group spiritual coaching sessions.
- Online coaching training.
- Distant Energy Healing.
- Flexible Scheduling.
- Regular follow up.
- Joining the JTTC Movement and Community.
- Joining the Facebook JTTC Community.
- Follow JTTC on Instagram.
- Free Resources.

Aligning and Shining as a Healer & Spirit Keeper
Meet Your Guide and Spiritual Empowerment Coach
Hello, my name is Kathleen. The pathway from birth to present time, has not been without challenges and feelings of victimhood. My healing journey has been one of seeking knowledge and direct experience.
Illness has been my messenger and, love was the lesson. Challenging relationships have been my guide to releasing my story and, love was the lesson. Lack of self-worth has been my teacher to embracing and embodying my Soul consciously and, as always, love was the lesson.
I am looking forward to assisting you to align and shine as a healer, sage and metaphysician. I am excited for you and the legacy of conscious awareness you will be grounding for humankind and Mother Earth as a Spirit Keeper in times ahead. Click on each of the four pillars below to read how I can help you to align and shine.

My purpose is …
To support creative, inspired, spiritually led and heart centred Healing Practitioners with the knowledge, tools and skills they need to align (energetic vibration) and shine (inner power) within their healing practice and their business of healing.
To encourage you to be the change you wish to see in the world by sowing and growing the seeds of greatness within yourself, your family, community, environment and the global world community.
To enable you to become a solution provider by grounding new and higher forms of consciousness, which provide innovative solutions for the daily problems of humankind.

Who am I?
I am a creative, inspired spiritually led and heart-centred healing practitioner who feels called to create and serve a global community of individuals who are committed to consciously embodying and grounding higher levels of consciousness for solving the problems of humanity.
The Chakra Coaching Academy helps creative, inspired spiritually led and heart-centred practitioners to know, love, heal and free themselves by journeying through the chakras (“JTTC”) with the Chakra Alignment Method and the Mystical Hour of Inner Power.
I have found the chakras offer the eclectic healing practitioner an opportunity to create and develop a committed daily multi-sensory sacred practice. Daily practices which result in improved alignment of mind, body, spirit and soul. Flowering of the soul leads to personal and professional well-being.

How can I help you?
You have invested a great deal of time, money and energy in training as a healing practitioner. Are you struggling to find a specific format of ‘healing business’ which suits your skills and creates your ideal lifestyle?
Very simply, there are 8 different models of ‘business’ in which a healing practitioner can practice healing. You don’t see the world as it is, but how you are. Armed with this knowledge you can commit to a daily sacred practice by journeying through the chakras to create and develop your ideal way of offering your services of healing. To live and be a solution provider to the problems facing humankind. To be a way shower.
The Chakra Alignment Method and the Mystical Hour of Inner Power offers you the opportunity to be the change and live the change through flowering of the heart.

Why I Exist …
To inspire and motivate Healing Practitioners to combine their calling and career whilst serving their community as a spirit weaver, lightworker and way shower.
To remind and empower Healing Practitioners for the need to embody and ground higher levels of information and conscious awareness onto Earth. To be a consciously aware conduit of change they wish to see in the world by providing higher thinking solutions to daily challenges.
To guide and develop daily sacred practices for Healing Practitioners by giving them the knowledge, tools and skills required to align and shine personally and professionally.
To support Healing Practitioners to create a thriving business of healing and healing practice. Touching, moving and inspiring others on their own journey and return to wholeness.
Free Resources
This online portal has information to assist and support the flowering of your Soul through the integration and alignment of mind, body and spirit. Which can lead to conscious direct spiritual connection and a feeling of personal freedom.

Kind Words from Clients
“Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur.”
“Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur sed, convallis at tellus. Vivamus magna justo, lacinia eget consectetur.”
Brenda Ballast, The Animal Communicator