2025.01.25 JTTC Brow Love Thyself Enlighten

Written by Kate Ginn

January 25, 2025


Archetypal Behaviour Patterns
The archetypal behavioural energies associated with the brow chakra are The Intellectual and The Intuitive.

Journalling Journey Through the Chakras : Self-Reflection
A Contemplative Enquiry
Life can only be lived forwards and understood backwards. This coming week’s focus is ‘LOVE THYSELF’ and the theme of “ENLIGHTENED LEADERSHIP”. Love thyself is all about growing your emotional intelligence through application of the skills you learnt in Know thyself. Enlightened leadership is about being and living as a Spirit-Keeper – a caretaker, guardian and healer who is grounding higher wisdom into the thought and emotional fields around Mother Earth. Self-exploration is about developing the motivation and self-discipline to go within and self-reflect in order to learn the love lessons of your soul’s journey and become the change you wish to see in the world. This is enlightened lead-your-ship and leadership. A lighthouse of wisdom for others.

Words of Affirmation:
I SEE, hear and feel Creative Intelligence has my back. Every day in every way I choose to self-explore my inner and outer worlds creating daily life alignment, clarity and fulfilment of my Soul Contract. I am centred, happy, healthy, wealthy and wise.

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